Dr Matias Yudi

dr matias b. yudi

Cardiology Services.


Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic.

patients seen within 24 hours

Chest pain is a common symptom and may represent life-threatening heart disease. The Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinicis a clinical service which aims to provide patients with new onset of chest pain with direct and timely access to expertly assessment and investigation.

Rapid Access AF Clinic.

patients seen within 48 hours

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the most common reasons for hospitalisation. Failure to recognise this arrhythmia and risk stratify patients can have serious consequences including risk of stroke, heart failure and death. The Rapid Access AF Clinic focuses on the management of patients with newly diagnosed arrhythmias such as AF

Structural Heart Clinic.

specialising in transcatheter interventions

Dr Matias Yudi has extensive experience in Structural Intervention, training both locally and internationally. The Structural Heart Clinic is a multidisciplinary service which provides an array of trans-catheter procedures to patients.

Services include:

General Cardiology.


The General Cardiology Clinic is a service that encompasses a broad range of cardiology issues. Dr Matias Yudi, through his extensive training provides a patient-centred approach to all areas of cardiology. He works closely with a broad range of physicians to provide a multi-disciplinary approach to care.


Primary and secondary prevention

Optimisation of cardiovascular risk factors

Screening for cardiovascular disease

Valvular heart disease

Cardiac Management of Elderly Patients



Cardiovascular Imaging.



Commonly referred to as an ‘echo’ this is a non-invasive test which provides information about heart structure and function. An ultrasound probe is placed on the chest to obtain pictures of the heart. The images are then reviewed by a cardiologist and are useful for the evaluation of structural heart disease, valvular disease and overall heart function.

An echo takes approximately 45 minutes and no preparation is needed.


stress tests

A stress test looks at the heart activity and function during exercise, usually with patients walking on a treadmill. An echocardiogram is often performed before and after exercise to look for changes in the heart function. For patients who are unable to walk on a treadmill other types of stress tests, such as Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography or Myocardial Perfusion Scans can be arranged.

A stress test takes approximately 45 minutes and you will need comfortable walking shoes.


ecg and holter monitoring

An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a non-invasive test which records the heart rhythm through electrodes placed on the chest. It is a simple test which takes approximately 10 minutes to perform. For patients requiring a longer period of monitoring, a portable device called a Holter Monitor can be arranged to record the heart rhythm for longer periods of time and is worn while the patient is at home.

An ECG takes approximately 10 minutes and Holter Monitors can be worn between 24 hours and 7 days.